Today we met the owner of the (now absent) cows and got a tutorial on the cow biz. I should say that the absent cows are in route to a feed lot, but while they may like the menu in their new digs, I think their happiest days are behind them. Having driven by the Harris Ranch feed lot many times, I can only hope that is not their destination.

Mark looks too young to be the proprietor of this business without a dad or uncle behind him, but it’s pretty clear he knows what he’s doing. While “our” cows have been sold, new, 400 pound calves, secured at auction will follow, if we reach an agreement to have them. I thought I knew the answer to that question, but everything at this moment depends on the county’s decision about our building site.

We got to the property a little early, and Larry took the opportunity to try again to phone ODF&W (remember, Fish and Wildlife?). What are the chances, we wondered, of interesting them in giving us the Wildlife Habitat deferral? Turns out, chances are good, and we have an appointment with several staff members early next week. What they have to say about cows will be interesting!

While we waited for Mark, we walked over to check on the creek. At one point, we stopped, hearing the sound of bees. Looked down, and we were standing in a patch of ground clover, and there were hundreds of bees hard at work. Problem was, I was wearing flip-flops. You can imagine my concern.

Told about our hopes with ODF&W, Mark seemed unconcerned. He could work with that, perhaps tap the spring on the property to keep the animals away from the creek. Wait! There’s a spring on our property? I began to imagine a little pond, the kids would like that. Those baby ducks Alli talks about? Hmm.

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